World Health Organization | Service Delivery & Safety | Consultant | MD PHD Neurologist
Neurologist of the National Organization of Health Provision and Private Practitioner in Greece.
Founding member and main scientific advisor of interdisciplinary associations for applied neurosciences on cognitive and behavioral disorders in elderly people in Greece.
10 years field experience on dementia patients and safety of service delivery using technologies, innovations and non pharmacological therapies.
9 years field experience on elderly people and safety of service delivery using technologies, innovations and non pharmacological therapies.
Special advisor for quality indicators in dementia patients in elderly people in private healthcare sector in Greece and Italy since 2010.
Special advisor on cognitive disorders in elderly care centers in North Greece since 2007.
Training educator for safety and quality for elderly people in healthcare providers since 2006.
Training educator for safety and quality for people with dementia in healthcare providers and caregivers since 2004.
Hold a PHD after 7 years experimental research experience in peripheral nerve trauma on rats (laboratory of Physiology, department of Physiology-Pharmacology, Aristotle University Thessaloniki) -Specialty on Dementia and scientific advisor and responsible of diagnosis and treatment of cognitive, behavioral and mood disorders in outpatient and home care services of the Greek Association of Alzheimer Disease.
Scientific Responsible and Special Advisor on Care Administration Ambient Therapy and New Technologies on Cognitive and Behavioral Disorders of the Health and Applied Neuroscience Network (HANN,no-profit Association) in Greece with particular experience in safety delivery and quality.
11 years of teaching experience.
Scientific committees member of the National Certification Center for Disabilities.
Volunteer work in “action for Autism” organization and in “National Service of Car Accident Victims”.
Since February 2014 consultant in Service Delivery and Safety department at World Health Organization HQ Geneva , Switzerland